Scholarships help students make higher education affordable. In today's age when education loans can prove to be very expensive and students take years to repay the loans, it is important to find right scholarships that are available. Most of educational institutes want to attract the best talent and hence offer multiple scholarships to deserving students. Additionally, host country governments and origin country governments also offer host of scholarships to students planning to go for higher education.
There are several scholarships available for international students in Australia. Here are a few popular options:
The Australian Government's Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships ( provides funding for international students to undertake graduate-level study, research or professional development in Australia.
The Australia Awards Scholarships ( are offered by the Australian Government and provide full financial support for international students to undertake undergraduate or postgraduate study in Australia.
The University of Melbourne International Scholarships ( offers a range of scholarships for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, research scholarships, and community engagement scholarships.
The University of Sydney International Scholarships ( offers a range of scholarships for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, research scholarships, and community engagement scholarships.
The University of Queensland International Scholarships ( offers a range of scholarships for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, research scholarships, and community engagement scholarships.
Monash University International Scholarships ( offers a range of scholarships for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, research scholarships, and community engagement scholarships.
The Australian National University (ANU) International Scholarships ( offer a wide range of scholarships for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, research scholarships, and community engagement scholarships.
The Griffith University International Scholarships ( offers a range of scholarships for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, research scholarships, and community engagement scholarships.
It is important to note that scholarships are highly competitive and the application process can be rigorous. It is important to start the process early and to gather all the necessary documentation well in advance of the deadline.